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Bike Engine Failure: 7 Tips to Avoid Engine Failure in Bikes

The engine is the heart of your motorcycle, and keeping it in good condition is essential for ensuring a smooth, safe, and enjoyable riding experience.

Bike Engine Failure: Engine failures due to sudden firing in the engine, nobody would want that, right? And during summertime, hearing the blaring sound from the engine can give anyone goosebumps. It would be a total nightmare for a rider like you, wouldn’t it?

Don’t worry. You can always avoid it by keeping a check on your bike and its engine. You can avoid all risks if you service your enough times and keep the speed at optimum level. But this isn’t enough; there are several ways that people usually aren’t aware of that can cause such incidents. So, here we are sharing some tips that can help keep your old or new model bike’s engine health in check.

Bike Engine Failure: 7 Tips to Avoid Engine Failure in Bikes

Bike Engine Failure: 7 Tips to Avoid Engine Failure in Bikes
Bike Engine Failure: 7 Tips to Avoid Engine Failure in Bikes

To ensure that you don’t become a victim of engine failure, here are some actions that you can take to avoid engine breakdowns:

1. Give your bike regular maintenance

We often forget to service our bikes, and that’s one of the vital reasons why we see our vehicle’s engines breaking down. So, you have to ensure that you take your bike for frequent maintenance to any nearby garage, where they help with the following:

  • Changing of oil & the oil filter
  • Checking & replacing air filters
  • Ensure the tyre pressure
  • Lubricating the chain or belt

2. Give Your bike a warm-up before riding.

Warming up your engine before you hit the road is critically crucial for your bike’s engine health. The engine consists of multiple levels of seals and rings that need oil circulating at optimal temperatures. And warming up could help the oil to distribute around efficiently. If you do this, your bike will be able to cool itself down quickly during motion naturally. If not, it may lead to premature part failure in the engine and on different components of your motorcycle too.

3. Don’t overload your bike. 

\Never overload your bike with heavy stuff. Putting extra weight on your bike can put a lot of strain on your engine’s health and cause it to break down. With more weight on your bike, the engine has to put more pressure and create more power to reach higher speeds. In addition, riders often over-rev their engine, which can cause major wear & tear, which leads to further pressure on the engine.

4. Only refill high-quality oil

It is critical that you choose the highest quality engine oil for your motorcycle. If you opt for an infiltrated fuel, this could lead to your bike breaking down. Many mechanics might advise you to opt for cheaper engine oil in order to save money. However, this practice could result in massively affecting the performance of your bike.

Always ensure that you are purchasing engine oil from select and trusted dealers and suppliers. Because multiple times there are people on the market that might sell your duped oil mixed with other cheaper oil.

5. Keep riding speed optimum.

Keep the pace of riding as optimum and stable. Avoid going for sudden acceleration or braking, as this will make the engine stall. Moreover, you will be able to reduce stress from the engine and extend its shelf life for longer.

6. Keep your ride’s engine squeaky clean.

Make sure you clean the engine on a regular basis. Doing this will help you keep the bike free from dirt and debris. Also, the clogging of the engine can cause malfunction of the engine. So, it’s better to avoid it before you hear a blasting sound while riding.

7. Add an engine safety guard. 

Motorcycle engine guards help to protect your bike’s engine in the event of a crash. In addition, these motorcycle engine guards are known to work as the first point of contact between your bike and the ground in case of a skid.

A motorcycle engine safety guard is a protective cover that is placed over the engine to prevent damage from external factors. It protects your engine against road hazards, debris, rocks and more. The engine safeguard further improves fuel efficiency by reducing air resistance and turbulence around the engine. It also adds to engine safety by ensuring the engine is protected and functions properly, reducing the risk of its failure while driving.

Final Thoughts 

Bike Engine Failure: 7 Tips to Avoid Engine Failure in Bikes
Bike Engine Failure: 7 Tips to Avoid Engine Failure in Bikes

In conclusion, bike engine failure can be a scary and potentially dangerous situation, but there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of it happening. Following the seven tips outlined in this blog post, such as regular maintenance, warming up your bike, not overloading your motorcycle, using high-quality oil, riding speed, etc. You can prioritize your safety and prevent engine failure from occurring. Remember to always prioritize safety while riding your bike and to address any issues with your bike’s engine promptly to avoid any potential danger on the road. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable ride on your honda bikes for years to come.


What can destroy a bike engine?

A dirty air filter can also allow dirt and debris into the engine, which can cause damage. Clean or replace your air filter as needed to prevent this from happening. Consider investing in a high-performance air filter.

Which bike engine has long life?

The Hero Splendor Plus, Honda Shine, and TVS Radeon are highly recommended for their long life. These bikes are known for their robust engines, sturdy build, and low maintenance requirements.

What usually kills an engine?

The most common way that engines sustain major damage is from overheating.

How to check bike engine condition?

Before starting the engine, look for oil leaks. Start the engine and listen for any unusual noises like knocking, rattling, or grinding. Check the exhaust smoke as black smoke indicates a fuel-related problem. Request a test ride to assess the bike/scooter’s performance on the road.

How long can a bike engine last?

Several factors determine how long a motorcycle engine lasts, including the quality of the components, riding conditions, a motorcycle’s make and model, and frequency of maintenance. Usually, a motorcycle engine is estimated to last between 50,000-250,000 miles or 12-15 years.

Which type of engine is good for bike?

Two-stroke engines are easy to maintain and repair. They are lighter and more compact than four-stroke engines, making them ideal for use in small vehicles like bikes.

What is the cause of bike engine failure?

Lack of lubrication: The most common cause of engine failure is dirty or low oil, which can be the result of an oil leak, faulty oil pump, the oil burning too fast, or driving too long in between oil changes.

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